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vitamin C, Vitamin D

Why Experts are Silent about Vitamins and Immunity

Why Are the "Experts" So Silent About Immunity? by W. Gifford-Jones, MD from Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, Jan 9, 2023 OMNS (Jan. 9, 2023) It seems like an eternity since COVID-19 struck and changed our lives. During that time, virus

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anti-inflammatory, oxygen, lungs, pain, detox, detoxify, detoxification, cleanse, inflammation, circulation, sleep, anti-aging, anti aging, copd

Amazing Soak Relieves Pain

Amazing Soak Relieves Pain Amazing Soak oxygenating bath transfers bioactive oxygen from the bath water directly to the body fluids that surround tissues. This task is normally handled by the respiration (oxygen uptake by the lungs) and the

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Podcast 449: Albedextrin

Podcast 449: Albedextrin On today's episode, one of our favorite researchers Spencer Feldman returns to tell us all about his new product Albedextrin. Cyclodextrins may support the body in dealing with rancid fats, toxic waxes and prions. Primary

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Folium pX

Podcast 448: Folium Detox Products

Podcast 448: Folium Detox Products The scientifically proven formulas of Folium pX nutraceuticals contain powerful plant ingredients that work synergistically to cleanse the body of free radicals, reduce stress, boost the immune system, detox heavy metals, and other environmental toxins that

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